
Google Chrome 124.0.6367.61 Download for Windows 64-bit or 32-bit PC

You are about to download Google Chrome, Version ( 124.0.6367.61 ) for Windows.

Click the button below to start downloading it:

All you need to know about this download

  • Version: 124.0.6367.61
  • Supported OS: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11
  • File Name 64-bit: ?standalone=1&platform=win64
  • File Size 64-bit: 115 MB
  • File Name 32-bit: ?standalone=1&platform=win
  • File Size 32-bit: 106 MB
  • The 64-bit version of This software is scanned using 73 antivirus apps and the 32-bit version of this software is scanned using 72 antivirus apps.
  • After clicking on start download, this application will start downloading from Official Server
  • The file is in its Orginal Form. Fileion does not bundle or repack or modify downloads in any way.
Install Process

Install Google Chrome 124.0.6367.61 on Windows


To install Google Chrome, first, double-click on your downloaded file and wait for starting the installation.

Google Chrome Installing Step 1

Step 2: After clicking on Install, a warning may pop up to ensure that you really want to install the program. From there click on “Yes

Google Chrome Installing Step 2

Step 3: Wait here until the installation is finished. After the loading, Google Chrome will appear before you and you can use this browser now.

Google Chrome Installing Step 3
Uninstall Process

Uninstall Google Chrome 124.0.6367.61 from Windows


First, open Control Panel. Then from there click on “Uninstall a program“.

Google Chrome Uninstalling Step 1

After completing Step 1, you will see a list of apps installed on your PC. From there, look for “Google Chrome“. Click on it and then click on “Uninstall“.

Google Chrome Uninstalling Step 2

After clicking on Uninstall, a warning may pop up to ensure that you really want to uninstall the program. From there click on “Yes

Google Chrome Uninstalling Step 3

Again a pop-up will appear and ask you if you want to remove browsing history also. If you want to, then mark that and click on uninstall.

Google Chrome Uninstalling Step 4

Your Uninstallation is now complete.


Google Chrome for Windows Change Log

Checkout what's new in Google Chrome for Windows Version (124.0.6367.61)

Google Chrome version 124.0.6367.61 for Windows includes several notable changes and improvements:

  1. Universal Install: This feature allows any page to be installable, even those not meeting the current Progressive Web App (PWA) installability criteria.
  2. Keyboard-Focusable Scroll Containers: Improves accessibility by making scroll containers focusable using sequential focus navigation. Prior to this change, the tab key didn’t focus scrollers unless tabIndex was explicitly set to 0 or more. By making scrollers focusable by default, users who can’t (or don’t want to) use a mouse will be able to focus clipped content using a keyboard’s tab and arrow keys. This behavior is enabled only if the scroller does not contain any keyboard focusable children. This feature was rolled out slowly starting from Chrome 124 and is available to all users by Chrome 125.
  3. Permissions Prompt for Web MIDI API: This feature gates access to the Web MIDI API behind a permissions prompt. Previously, the use of SysEx messages with the Web MIDI API required an explicit user permission. Starting from Chrome 125, all access to the Web MIDI API requires user permission. This feature was rolled out slowly starting from Chrome 124 and is available to all users by Chrome 125.
  4. The writingsuggestions Attribute: Browsers are starting to provide writing suggestions to users as they type on various editable fields across the web. While this is generally useful for users, there are cases when developers may want to turn off browser-provided writing assistance, such as extensions or sites that provide similar functionality of their own.
  5. Sec-CH-UA-Form-Factors Client Hint: This addition allows websites to receive information about the form factor of the user’s device.
  6. Private Network Access Permission: Relaxes mixed content priority for HTTP request headers.
  7. Document Render-Blocking: Addresses issues related to document render-blocking.
  8. X25519Kyber768 Key Encapsulation for TLS: Enhances security by supporting a new key encapsulation mechanism for TLS.
  9. Media jitterBufferTarget Attribute: Allows developers to specify a target jitter buffer size for media elements.
  10. Web APIs Enhancements: Includes updates to the WebSocketStream API, setHTMLUnsafe and parseHTMLUnsafe Streams API, and additions to the Attribution Reporting API.
  11. SVG context-fill and context-stroke: These properties allow SVG elements to use the current text color for filling and stroking.
  12. WebGPU Support: Extends support for WebGPU to ServiceWorker and SharedWorker.

These updates aim to improve the user experience, enhance security, and provide developers with more tools and features for web development. Chrome 124 became stable as of April 16, 20241.


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