Google Chrome 124.0.6367.62 Download for Mac
You are about to download Google Chrome, Version ( 124.0.6367.62 ) for Mac.
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All you need to know about this download
- Version: 124.0.6367.62
- Supported OS: macOS 10.15 Catalina or later
- File Name: index.html?platform=mac
- File Size: 197.15 MB
- Google Chrome 124.0.6367.62 is scanned using 58 antivirus apps (Check VirusTotal Scan Report)
- After clicking on start download, this application will start downloading from Official Server
- The file is in its Orginal Form. Fileion does not bundle or repack or modify downloads in any way.
Install Google Chrome 124.0.6367.62 on Mac
Download the Google Chrome Installer on your Macbook.
Track the download file and open it.

Drag the icon into the applications folder after you open it.

Now, you can use Google Chrome on your Macbook.
Google Chrome for Mac Change Log
Checkout what's new in Google Chrome for Mac Version (124.0.6367.62)
Here are some notable changes in Google Chrome 124.0.6367.62 for Mac:
- Universal Install:
You can now make any page installable, even those that don’t meet the current Progressive Web App (PWA) installability criteria. This feature expands the reach of PWAs and enhances user experience. - Keyboard-Focusable Scroll Containers:
Improves accessibility by making scroll containers focusable using sequential focus navigation. Previously, the tab key didn’t focus scrollers unless tabIndex was explicitly set to 0 or more. Now, scrollers are focusable by default, allowing users who can’t or prefer not to use a mouse to navigate clipped content using keyboard tab and arrow keys. This behavior is enabled if the scroller doesn’t contain any keyboard-focusable children.
This feature will be rolled out gradually starting from Chrome 124 and will be available to all users by Chrome 125. - Permissions Prompt for Web MIDI API:
Access to the Web MIDI API is now gated behind a permissions prompt. Previously, using SysEx messages with the Web MIDI API required explicit user permission. Starting from Chrome 125, all access to the Web MIDI API will require user permission.
This feature will be rolled out gradually starting from Chrome 124 and will be available to all users by Chrome 125. - Attribution Reporting API Enhancements:
Additional debugging capabilities are added to the Attribution Reporting API by supporting parsing failure debug reports.
Improved API ergonomics by supporting a field to specify preferred registration platform.
Enhancements aim to improve privacy and provide better insights for developers. - Deprecation Trial for Mutation Events:
Mutation events are being deprecated. Developers should transition to modern alternatives like Mutation Observers. - Origin Trials in Progress:
Developers can participate in origin trials for various features. Check for details.
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