Google Chrome 120.0.6099.231 Download for Android
You are about to download Google Chrome, Version ( 120.0.6099.231 ) for Android.
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All you need to know about this download
- Version: 120.0.6099.231
- Supported OS: Android 10 and up
- File Name: details?
- File Size: 22 MB
- After clicking on start download, this application will start downloading from Official Server
- The file is in its Orginal Form. Fileion does not bundle or repack or modify downloads in any way.
Google Chrome for Android Change Log
Checkout what's new in Google Chrome for Android Version (120.0.6099.231)
New Features in Google Chrome 120.0.6099.231 for Android:
- Enhanced Scrolling Performance: Experience smoother and more responsive scrolling, especially on webpages with heavy content.
- Improved Security: Benefit from the latest security patches and fixes to keep your browsing data safe.
- Accessibility Optimizations: Chrome now offers better support for assistive technologies and screen readers, making it more accessible for everyone.
- Simplified Password Management: Manage your saved passwords more easily with a redesigned password manager.
- Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements: Enjoy a number of smaller bug fixes and performance improvements that make Chrome run faster and more efficiently.
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